• Power Up your Business

    Unusual Strategy to Grow Your Sales

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  • Strategy Session Testimonials

    Hear what our happy members have to share about the Strategy Session

  • Sales & Marketing Round Table

    Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Group Strategy Session to Identify Strategies to grow your Business

    Introduction :

    > This is a small group strategy session for bosses / business owners / management team to develop alternative Sales and Marketing Strategy to compliment your current digital social media marketing for your business


    > We invite CEOs and Business Owners from different industries and trade to meet so that we will be able to share Freely


    > Each Session has between 6 - 15 participants to ensure optimal interaction and networking


    > The invitees will be from our more than 5,000 participants list who have attended the SME Challenge / Sales Tribes Events in the Past


    > This Round Table is Sponsored and FREE only for the first 100 who sign up


    > After you join, you will get special invite to our Boss Networking Buffet Lunch for you to meet other bosses

    Objectives :

    1. You will learn a NEW Framework to relook at your current Sales and Marketing Plan and to think of new practical workable ideas to implement in the next 12 weeks
    2. Meet fellow business owners, management team and sales professionals (P2P - Peer to Peer) to get new perspectives on what they do for their business (this helps to enable Cross Fertilization of Ideas)
    3. Meet potential business partners and referral partners through this Round Table Session

    What to Prepare :

    Please prepare a 3 page PPT to share about your business (5 mins per participants)

    • Page 1 = with your photo and about yourself
    • Page 2 = about your business, products and services
    • Page 3 = how you do your current sales and marketing - can be bullet points
    Other than this, the Coach / Facilitator will guide you and facilitate the session
    He will also share new ideas and insights with you for your business

    Zoom Date & Time :

    We will be conducting regular session via zoom (in light of new Safe Distancing Measures - 27 Sep 21)


    Please sign up via the form page below

    Time Table

    1.50 pm - Login to Zoom


    2.00 pm - Start Session

    - introduction to Power Up Your Sales Framework


    2.15 pm - Companies / Businesses do their 5 mins sharing


    3.15 pm - Review of your Business Model

    + Application of the Power Up Your Sales Framework to your business

    - Q&A : ask the Coach Questions


    4.00 pm - End of Session / Fill up Survey Form / Get Access to other Resources

  • Sign Up Now

    We will give you the Zoom Link after you sign up - thank you =)