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Connecting Business to Opportunities
Capabilities | Connections | Capital
Global Business Chambers (GBC)
Is a Learning Networking Resource Platform to equip and empower businesses to grow and scale their business
Our Vision
To build a dynamic network of visionary leaders and entrepreneurs who will make a positive impact to the world around them
Our Mission
Is a Learning Networking Resource Platform to equip and empower businesses to grow and scale their business
Our Approach
We build capabilities, connectionsand capital using the MENTOR Framework. Mentoring & Execution. Networking
& Training. Opportunities & Resources.Our Approach : The MENTOR Framework
Our Members build capabilities, connections and capital using the MENTOR Framework
Leverage M E N T O R Framework to Grow Your Business
Mentoring and Execution (Mastermind Groups)
- A mastermind group (MMG) is a group of peers who meet to give and receive advice and support from each other via Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Mentoring.
- They stay "Accountable" to each other for the goals they set (ie: the Execution part of business).
- They act as your Personal Board of Directors.
At Global Business Chambers, we have 3 types of MMG:
- Sales Mastermind (for the boss and sales, BD, marketing)
- Business Mastermind (for businesses below $3 mil)
- CXO Mastermind (for businesses $3 mil & above) - in collaboration with Vistage International
Networking and Training
In all our events, we ensure both quality Training and Strategic Business Networking for our members. We organize regular practical training for both boss and staff with a focus on Implementing what you learn (bite-sized Modular Format).
Types of Networking
- New Members Networking
- Mega Networking (150 to 300 pax)
- Dinner Networking (30 - 50 pax)
- Social Networking (Wine, Beer, Pizza)
- Speed Business Networking
- Pitching Session
Opportunities & Resources
We facilitate Opportunities amongst our members through opportunities sharing and business matching.
We provide high quality relevant Resource for both business and personal growth.
- Videos
- Voice
- Visual
JOIN GBC Membership to Grow Your Business
Our USP : we customize the right support, training & resources for you
We share best practices from top performing businesses with you
We customize training & resources for Biz at different growth stages
We blend an Implementation Program to grow your business
Join the GBC Community Now
And access all the Free Community Benefits
GBC Signature Programs
Build Critical Capabilities
GBC Signature Events
Build Connections and Competencies
SME Summit
SME Arena
Members Networking
GBC Partner's Programs
Build Strategic Skillsets and Connections
CEO Advisory
SME Accelerator
Sales Automation
Office Tech
Bells Academy
L&D Platform
Resource Library
We have Resources to power up your business
We curated a set of Training Videos of critical business topics with SMU AEI (Singapore Mgmt University Asian Enterprise Institute) that you can watch & learn at your own pace.
We curated a set of Podcasts and Audio Training (eg : Audio Business Books) for you to listen during your travel time & when you are doing necessary stuff like housework
We publish Articles that are relevant for you to read to improve yourself and your business on a regular basis. You can also get access to our library of written materials
We share content (3Vs) from our partners to you on a regular basis. This allows you to get access to world class materials and Best Practices to grow yourself & your business
Resource Library Samples
These are some examples of resources for our Community Members
We curated a set of Training Videos of critical business topics with SMU AEI (Singapore Mgmt University Asian Enterprise Institute) that you can watch & learn at your own pace.
Personal Productivity
- Take Back Your DAY
- Power Up Your Year and Achieve All Your Goals
- Leveraging Tech to Boost Your Productivity
Customers Centricity
- Customers Experience for the New Normal
- Art of Customer Attraction in the New Normal Economy
Branding Marketing
- LinkedIn for Leaders
- B-2-B Branding to power your Business
- 5 Practical Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Strategies for B2B SMEs
HR Talent Management
- Talent Acquisition 101 for SMEs
- Effective Employee Collaboration and Engagement
- Trust, from Day One – How to effectively and successfully manage Employee Relationships
- How to Better Manage and Engage Employees in the New Normal
Digital Marketing
- Digital Trends
- 5 Digital Marketing Areas to Boost your Business
- 3 Keys to Effective Digital Marketing
- SEO 101 for SMEs – drive more inbound traffic to your business
- DIY Video Marketing – sell with the power of Video
- Livestream Commerce: The new way to market & sell in the B-2-C Space
- Alibaba E-Commerce Platform B2B Sales Strategies
- Building Your Business with Ecommerce
We curated a set of Podcasts and Audio Training (eg : Audio Business Books) for you to listen during your travel time & when you are doing necessary stuff like housework. This covers major topics pertaining to : Personal and Business Development.
We publish Articles that are relevant for you to read to improve yourself and your business on a regular basis. You can also get access to our library of written materials. This covers major topics pertaining to : Personal and Business Development.
We also have a "Book Club" where we come together to read a book that we collectively wants to learn from. We will read and meet and share on a weekly basis, implementing what we learn in our lives on a weekly basis, and having the accountability to update our group our progress.
We publish Articles that are relevant for you to read to improve yourself and your business on a regular basis. You can also get access to our library of written materials. This covers major topics pertaining to : Personal and Business Development.
We also have a "Book Club" where we come together to read a book that we collectively wants to learn from. We will read and meet and share on a weekly basis, implementing what we learn in our lives on a weekly basis, and having the accountability to update our group our progress.
Join the GBC Community Now
And access all the Free Community Benefits